Professor Gunnel Cederlöf får Hallenblads utmärkelse 2023
Stort grattis till vår samarbetspartner professor Gunnel Cederlöf som Linnéakademien har belönat med Hallenblads utmärkelse 2023!
Very happy to receive the Hallenblad award by the Småland Linneaus Academy for steering the work that centre on the Joseph Stephens Archive. A new collection of historical documents opened avenues to write and revise histories of labour in India and the economic turn in the poorest region of Sweden. In addition it showed the connection between resource extraction in colonial India and industrialisation in 19th century Sweden. Amazing research by my fantastic colleagues and creative ways to reach the public in the Småland province by Huseby bruk. Eleonor Marcussen, Radhika Krishnan, Dhiraj Kumar Nite, Arun Kumar, Sofie Magnusson, Sanna Karlsson, Marcus Brunskog, Alex Bubb, Margareta Petersson, Malin Lennartsson, Erik Wångmar – this is for you!!
Gunnel Cederlöf